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This file is part of Ext JS 4.2

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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
// @tag dom,core
Ext.define('Ext.dom.AbstractElement_static', {
    override: 'Ext.dom.AbstractElement',

    inheritableStatics: {
        unitRe: /\d+(px|em|%|en|ex|pt|in|cm|mm|pc)$/i,
        camelRe: /(-[a-z])/gi,
        msRe: /^-ms-/,
        cssRe: /([a-z0-9\-]+)\s*:\s*([^;\s]+(?:\s*[^;\s]+)*)?;?/gi,
        opacityRe: /alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/i,
        propertyCache: {},
        defaultUnit : "px",
        borders: {l: 'border-left-width', r: 'border-right-width', t: 'border-top-width', b: 'border-bottom-width'},
        paddings: {l: 'padding-left', r: 'padding-right', t: 'padding-top', b: 'padding-bottom'},
        margins: {l: 'margin-left', r: 'margin-right', t: 'margin-top', b: 'margin-bottom'},
        * Test if size has a unit, otherwise appends the passed unit string, or the default for this Element.
        * @param size {Object} The size to set
        * @param units {String} The units to append to a numeric size value
        * @private
        * @static
        addUnits: function(size, units) {
            // Most common case first: Size is set to a number
            if (typeof size == 'number') {
                return size + (units || this.defaultUnit || 'px');

            // Size set to a value which means "auto"
            if (size === "" || size == "auto" || size === undefined || size === null) {
                return size || '';

            // Otherwise, warn if it's not a valid CSS measurement
            if (!this.unitRe.test(size)) {
                if (Ext.isDefined(Ext.global.console)) {
                    Ext.global.console.warn("Warning, size detected as NaN on Element.addUnits.");
                return size || '';

            return size;

        * @static
        * @private
        isAncestor: function(p, c) {
            var ret = false;

            p = Ext.getDom(p);
            c = Ext.getDom(c);
            if (p && c) {
                if (p.contains) {
                    return p.contains(c);
                } else if (p.compareDocumentPosition) {
                    return !!(p.compareDocumentPosition(c) & 16);
                } else {
                    while ((c = c.parentNode)) {
                        ret = c == p || ret;
            return ret;

        * Parses a number or string representing margin sizes into an object. Supports CSS-style margin declarations
        * (e.g. 10, "10", "10 10", "10 10 10" and "10 10 10 10" are all valid options and would return the same result)
        * @static
        * @param {Number/String} box The encoded margins
        * @return {Object} An object with margin sizes for top, right, bottom and left
        parseBox: function(box) {
            box = box || 0;
            var type = typeof box,

            if (type === 'number') {
                return {
                    top   : box,
                    right : box,
                    bottom: box,
                    left  : box
             } else if (type !== 'string') {
                 // If not a number or a string, assume we've been given a box config.
                 return box;

            parts  = box.split(' ');
            ln = parts.length;

            if (ln == 1) {
                parts[1] = parts[2] = parts[3] = parts[0];
            } else if (ln == 2) {
                parts[2] = parts[0];
                parts[3] = parts[1];
            } else if (ln == 3) {
                parts[3] = parts[1];

            return {
                top   :parseFloat(parts[0]) || 0,
                right :parseFloat(parts[1]) || 0,
                bottom:parseFloat(parts[2]) || 0,
                left  :parseFloat(parts[3]) || 0

         * Parses a number or string representing margin sizes into an object. Supports CSS-style margin declarations
         * (e.g. 10, "10", "10 10", "10 10 10" and "10 10 10 10" are all valid options and would return the same result)
         * @static
         * @param {Number/String/Object} box The encoded margins, or an object with top, right,
         * bottom, and left properties
         * @param {String} units The type of units to add
         * @return {String} An string with unitized (px if units is not specified) metrics for top, right, bottom and left
        unitizeBox: function(box, units) {
            var a = this.addUnits,
                b = this.parseBox(box);

            return a(b.top, units) + ' ' +
                   a(b.right, units) + ' ' +
                   a(b.bottom, units) + ' ' +
                   a(b.left, units);


        // private
        camelReplaceFn: function(m, a) {
            return a.charAt(1).toUpperCase();

        * Normalizes CSS property keys from dash delimited to camel case JavaScript Syntax.
        * For example:
        * - border-width -> borderWidth
        * - padding-top -> paddingTop
        * @static
        * @param {String} prop The property to normalize
        * @return {String} The normalized string
        normalize: function(prop) {
            // TODO: Mobile optimization?
            if (prop == 'float') {
                prop = Ext.supports.Float ? 'cssFloat' : 'styleFloat';
            // For '-ms-foo' we need msFoo
            return this.propertyCache[prop] || (this.propertyCache[prop] = prop.replace(this.msRe, 'ms-').replace(this.camelRe, this.camelReplaceFn));

        * Retrieves the document height
        * @static
        * @return {Number} documentHeight
        getDocumentHeight: function() {
            return Math.max(!Ext.isStrict ? document.body.scrollHeight : document.documentElement.scrollHeight, this.getViewportHeight());

        * Retrieves the document width
        * @static
        * @return {Number} documentWidth
        getDocumentWidth: function() {
            return Math.max(!Ext.isStrict ? document.body.scrollWidth : document.documentElement.scrollWidth, this.getViewportWidth());

        * Retrieves the viewport height of the window.
        * @static
        * @return {Number} viewportHeight
        getViewportHeight: function(){
            return window.innerHeight;

        * Retrieves the viewport width of the window.
        * @static
        * @return {Number} viewportWidth
        getViewportWidth: function() {
            return window.innerWidth;

        * Retrieves the viewport size of the window.
        * @static
        * @return {Object} object containing width and height properties
        getViewSize: function() {
            return {
                width: window.innerWidth,
                height: window.innerHeight

        * Retrieves the current orientation of the window. This is calculated by
        * determing if the height is greater than the width.
        * @static
        * @return {String} Orientation of window: 'portrait' or 'landscape'
        getOrientation: function() {
            if (Ext.supports.OrientationChange) {
                return (window.orientation == 0) ? 'portrait' : 'landscape';

            return (window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth) ? 'portrait' : 'landscape';

        * Returns the top Element that is located at the passed coordinates
        * @static
        * @param {Number} x The x coordinate
        * @param {Number} y The y coordinate
        * @return {String} The found Element
        fromPoint: function(x, y) {
            return Ext.get(document.elementFromPoint(x, y));

        * Converts a CSS string into an object with a property for each style.
        * The sample code below would return an object with 2 properties, one
        * for background-color and one for color.
        *     var css = 'background-color: red;color: blue; ';
        *     console.log(Ext.dom.Element.parseStyles(css));
        * @static
        * @param {String} styles A CSS string
        * @return {Object} styles
        parseStyles: function(styles){
            var out = {},
                cssRe = this.cssRe,

            if (styles) {
                // Since we're using the g flag on the regex, we need to set the lastIndex.
                // This automatically happens on some implementations, but not others, see:
                // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2645273/javascript-regular-expression-literal-persists-between-function-calls
                // http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/fixing-javascript-regexp
                cssRe.lastIndex = 0;
                while ((matches = cssRe.exec(styles))) {
                    out[matches[1]] = matches[2]||'';
            return out;
function () {
    var doc = document,
        activeElement = null,
        isCSS1 = doc.compatMode == "CSS1Compat";

    // If the browser does not support document.activeElement we need some assistance.
    // This covers old Safari 3.2 (4.0 added activeElement along with just about all
    // other browsers). We need this support to handle issues with old Safari.
    if (!('activeElement' in doc) && doc.addEventListener) {
            function (ev) {
                if (ev && ev.target) {
                    activeElement = (ev.target == doc) ? null : ev.target;
            }, true);

     * Helper function to create the function that will restore the selection.
    function makeSelectionRestoreFn (activeEl, start, end) {
        return function () {
            activeEl.selectionStart = start;
            activeEl.selectionEnd = end;

         * Returns the active element in the DOM. If the browser supports activeElement
         * on the document, this is returned. If not, the focus is tracked and the active
         * element is maintained internally.
         * @return {HTMLElement} The active (focused) element in the document.
        getActiveElement: function () {
            var active;
            // In IE 6/7, calling activeElement can sometimes throw an Unspecified Error,
            // so we need to wrap it in a try catch
            try {
                active = doc.activeElement;
            } catch(e) {}
            // Default to the body if we can't find anything
            // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/document.activeElement
            active = active || activeElement;
            if (!active) {
                active = activeElement = document.body;
            return active;

         * Creates a function to call to clean up problems with the work-around for the
         * WebKit RightMargin bug. The work-around is to add "display: 'inline-block'" to
         * the element before calling getComputedStyle and then to restore its original
         * display value. The problem with this is that it corrupts the selection of an
         * INPUT or TEXTAREA element (as in the "I-beam" goes away but ths focus remains).
         * To cleanup after this, we need to capture the selection of any such element and
         * then restore it after we have restored the display style.
         * @param {Ext.dom.Element} target The top-most element being adjusted.
         * @private
        getRightMarginFixCleaner: function (target) {
            var supports = Ext.supports,
                hasInputBug = supports.DisplayChangeInputSelectionBug,
                hasTextAreaBug = supports.DisplayChangeTextAreaSelectionBug,

            if (hasInputBug || hasTextAreaBug) {
                activeEl = doc.activeElement || activeElement; // save a call
                tag = activeEl && activeEl.tagName;

                if ((hasTextAreaBug && tag == 'TEXTAREA') ||
                    (hasInputBug && tag == 'INPUT' && activeEl.type == 'text')) {
                    if (Ext.dom.Element.isAncestor(target, activeEl)) {
                        start = activeEl.selectionStart;
                        end = activeEl.selectionEnd;

                        if (Ext.isNumber(start) && Ext.isNumber(end)) { // to be safe...
                            // We don't create the raw closure here inline because that
                            // will be costly even if we don't want to return it (nested
                            // function decls and exprs are often instantiated on entry
                            // regardless of whether execution ever reaches them):
                            return makeSelectionRestoreFn(activeEl, start, end);

            return Ext.emptyFn; // avoid special cases, just return a nop

        getViewWidth: function(full) {
            return full ? Ext.dom.Element.getDocumentWidth() : Ext.dom.Element.getViewportWidth();

        getViewHeight: function(full) {
            return full ? Ext.dom.Element.getDocumentHeight() : Ext.dom.Element.getViewportHeight();

        getDocumentHeight: function() {
            return Math.max(!isCSS1 ? doc.body.scrollHeight : doc.documentElement.scrollHeight, Ext.dom.Element.getViewportHeight());

        getDocumentWidth: function() {
            return Math.max(!isCSS1 ? doc.body.scrollWidth : doc.documentElement.scrollWidth, Ext.dom.Element.getViewportWidth());

        getViewportHeight: function(){
            return Ext.isIE9m ?
                   (Ext.isStrict ? doc.documentElement.clientHeight : doc.body.clientHeight) :

        getViewportWidth: function() {
            return (!Ext.isStrict && !Ext.isOpera) ? doc.body.clientWidth :
                   Ext.isIE9m ? doc.documentElement.clientWidth : self.innerWidth;

         * Serializes a DOM form into a url encoded string
         * @param {Object} form The form
         * @return {String} The url encoded form
        serializeForm: function(form) {
            var fElements = form.elements || (document.forms[form] || Ext.getDom(form)).elements,
                hasSubmit = false,
                encoder   = encodeURIComponent,
                data      = '',
                eLen      = fElements.length,
                element, name, type, options, hasValue, e,
                o, oLen, opt;

            for (e = 0; e < eLen; e++) {
                element = fElements[e];
                name    = element.name;
                type    = element.type;
                options = element.options;

                if (!element.disabled && name) {
                    if (/select-(one|multiple)/i.test(type)) {
                        oLen = options.length;
                        for (o = 0; o < oLen; o++) {
                            opt = options[o];
                            if (opt.selected) {
                                hasValue = opt.hasAttribute ? opt.hasAttribute('value') : opt.getAttributeNode('value').specified;
                                data += Ext.String.format("{0}={1}&", encoder(name), encoder(hasValue ? opt.value : opt.text));
                    } else if (!(/file|undefined|reset|button/i.test(type))) {
                        if (!(/radio|checkbox/i.test(type) && !element.checked) && !(type == 'submit' && hasSubmit)) {
                            data += encoder(name) + '=' + encoder(element.value) + '&';
                            hasSubmit = /submit/i.test(type);
            return data.substr(0, data.length - 1);